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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

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Goji RetailerGrocer - Gojis in lightning return to shelves

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June 30, 2007 -- Multiple retailers have wasted no time putting in orders for goji berries, after the FSA lifted the threat of a ban on the food last week. One...

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Goji RetailerEight Resolutions for a Brain-Healthy New Year

Determined to drop a few pounds, eat right, or get fit after all the holiday festivities? Those New Year resolutions may be good for more than just your body. Recent studies continue to point to the benefits of an active, heart-healthy lifestyle to help keep the mind sharp and alert. While there are many factors that we can't control, such as the genes we inherit, a few simple steps may even help to prevent Alzheimer's disease years down the road.

1. Keep on exercising. Exercise is beneficial at any age, not just for the heart and muscles but for the brain as well. Doctors in Scotland who examined 460 men and women who had been participants in a long-running national survey found that, as a group, the more physically robust an individual was in old age, the more likely he or she was to have an intact memory.

2. Eat a heart-healthy diet. A Mediterranean-style diet may be good not just for the heart but for the brain as well. Doctors at Columbia University in New York found that seniors who ate plenty of fruits, vegetables, legumes, cereals, olive oil, and fish; moderate amounts of wine; and little red meat or high-fat dairy products had a lower risk of getting Alzheimer?s disease.

3. Eat your fish. Do what the Scandinavians do: Eat fish for the New Year. Recent findings from the large and ongoing Framingham Heart Study found that people with high levels of a fatty acid known as DHA, a ?good? fat found in fish, may have a lower risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.

4. Drink juice. Older men and women who drank fruit and vegetable juices more than three times a week were 76 percent less likely to develop Alzheimer?s disease than those who drank juices less than once a week, a new study found. Researchers point to disease-fighting substances called polyphenols that are naturally found in fruits and vegetables as a possible source of protection.

5. Turn off the TV. Watching too much television not only keeps you on the couch; it may also dull the brain. A recent survey from Australia found that men and women who reported watching less than an hour a day of TV performed better in numerous memory tasks, including remembering items on a shopping list, recalling names and faces and people?s occupations, and long-term memory skills.

6. Try computer games. More and more senior centers are adding computer games and other mental challenges to the roster of daily activities. One recent study found that men and women with Alzheimer?s disease benefited from computer-based ?games? designed to provide mental stimulation and enhance brain activity. The findings provide more evidence that mental challenges, such as doing crossword of Sodoku puzzles, solving brain teasers, or playing a musical instrument, can provide a mental boost, regardless of age or health.

7. Seek counseling. Spouses who cared for a loved one with Alzheimer?s disease were much less likely to place their partner in a nursing home if they received targeted counseling and support. These findings, from a long-running study led by Dr. Mary Mittelman and colleagues at the Silberstein Institute at the New York University School of Medicine, underline the importance of counseling and social support for any family touched by Alzheimer?s disease.

8. Finally, relax. Scientists at the University of California at Irvine found that mice injected with a drug that mimics stress in people had high levels of beta-amyloid, a toxic protein that builds up in the brains of those with Alzheimer?s disease. The findings suggest that managing stress may be important parts of an Alzheimer?s care plan.

Written By: Toby Bilanow for alzinfo.org, The Alzheimer?s Information Site. Reviewed by William J. Netzer, Ph.D., Fisher Center for Alzheimer?s Research Foundation at The Rockefeller University.


Robert S. Wilson, PhD; Kristin R. Krueger, PhD; Steven E. Arnold, MD, et al: Loneliness and Risk of Alzheimer Disease. Archives of General Psychiatry, Volume 64, February 2007, pages 234-240.

Please visit our website to learn more about Alzheimer?s disease.

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Manual Vegetable Juicer for health

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Easy To Clean And Powerful Breville Juicers

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Manual Vegetable JuicerBuy Vitamins Online

You can buy vitamins online at a much better price than offline at the local grocery store. Just a few different companies produce vitamins. The companies that are selling vitamins are selling them to retailers, outlets, distributors, and other types of sellers as well. To cut the price, you need to get to the source of where vitamins are coming from. Buying online is going to help you do this. Buy vitamins online where you can find the best price, and the types of vitamins that are just right for your needs.

To get the best vitamins you want to use for your bodily needs, you want to purchase vitamins that are food derived, you want to stay away from chemically derived vitamins if possible. The chemically made vitamins are not going to give you the best total absorption that other types of food derived vitamins can give you; this is a big selling point for many types of vitamins you find as well.

Buy vitamins online, not only for a good vitamin but also because you can find the best price on those vitamins. By shopping, online, you can compare exactly what you need, and how you need it. Many online vitamin stores are going to give you all the information about what combinations are used to treat various conditions.

Conditions like dry skin can be treated with a vitamin. Conditions such as a constant feeling of tiredness can be treated with a vitamin. Having a balanced diet, taking your vitamins is also going to help you avoid disease and common colds, common ailments that others who are not taking vitamins are often susceptible too having to endure.

Buying vitamins online you are going to be able to accomplish more in your day. You won't be running from store to store to compare the types of vitamins and prices that are offered. You can book mark the page on your computer, and place your order day or night. Your vitamins are going to be delivered right to you home or office, and you can continue with your day. Even if you are running out of your favorite types of vitamins, you can place an order to be delivered the next day and find that exciting things are going to happen when you don't spend all your time shopping offline for the daily essentials you need.

About the Author:

Roger Thompson writes Health Related Articles and Jobs for The Number one healthcare Job site He also advises consumers on online products.

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Dr Wheatgrass Skin Spray Reviews and information

Dr Wheatgrass Skin SprayWant Healthier Diet?

Continuous research carried out about diets all indicate the importance of having a rational and in fact accurate daily eating plan in order to stay healthy and prevent serious diseases from affecting people's health severely.Diets, including various types, can be quickly and easily adjusted by means of some tips we are going to introduce in the following lines.
Although there are not distinct ideas on how a consistent diet can be implemented, some fundamental solutions are the common sense of everyone in the public.One of them is to increase the intake of vegetables and fruits.According to the latest reports published by health commissions all over the world, most people have started to eat multiple servings of fruit and vegetables in a day.This is the biggest action to have taken to decrease the risk of experiencing health problems due to the major positive effects of fruits and vegetables in the body.
The main reason why fruits and vegetables should be preferred is that they incorporate large amounts of vitamins, especially vitamin A and vitamin C, and some antioxidants.Dietary fiber, which is also an essential material for the body, does also exist in such good nutrients.
On the other hand, people should be extremely careful about the different types of meat in the market.Meats that are low in fat must be consumed in order to avoid the risk of high cholesterol.Another substantial nutrient is fish, which includes omega-3 fatty acids.These small nutrients help the body in a beneficial way that it cannot be compared to any other type of nutrient on the world.Also, scientists have proved that fish is very good for cardiovascular system.
Milk, which is one of the best products of people health, can be in low fat and nonfat type.Different cheese and yoghurt types also contain low fat, which must be preferred for a healthy life.Oils must be watched for since some types of such foods can be very harmful for public health.Especially, oils used in cooking are usually produced by animal based fats, which are saturated and they are considered to be very harmful for one's overall health.Instead, polyunsaturated fats, usually obtained from plant sources, must be preferred since oya oil and bean oil existing in such foods are very effective in decreasing the risk of developing serious illnesses in late ages.
In addition, intake of extremely processed foods must be decreased since this type of nutrients usually contain ingredients harmful to the body.They can even be stored in the body and prevent blood pressure in some organs after middle ages.As an alternative, less processed whole grain products should be consumed.Existence of such beneficial products in the market is much more frequent than that was in the past, so people today have a much healthier option without giving up the taste.
As we stated at the beginning of the article, nonexistence of a quality diet form can lead to some problems for one to select the best product to consume.However, everyone should assess his/her own needs and requirements and adjust a careful diet according to the foundations including daily calorine need, age, sex and internal factors.Every choice depends on some criterion and thus every type of product is likely to have -good or bad- effect on one's health in general.

About the Author

You can find this and many more valuable and interesting health related articles at Dr Health and Plain Health The author has collected the best health articles on these sites and you're welcome to check them out.<br />
<br />
Jeremy, http://www.plainhealth.org

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