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Sunday, September 07, 2008

Dr Wheatgrass Antioxidant Skin Spray Updates

Topics on Dr Wheatgrass Antioxidant Skin SprayArthritis

Wayne Mcgregor has written hundreds of articles on effective ways to lose weight. His website provides tons of free weight loss information and help, including lists of G.I foods.
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Hemp Moisturisers

* 100% of enzymes are damaged and the body is depleted of the energy it needs to maintain and repair tissue and organ systems, which will shorten our lives. Eating enzyme-dead food places a burden on the pancreas and other organs and overworks them, which eventually exhausts these organs and rendering them ineffective.

* After eating a cooked meal, there is a rush of white blood cells towards the digestive tract, leaving the rest of the body less protected by the immune system. The immune system �thinks� the body is being invaded by a foreign (toxic) substance when cooked food is eaten.
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Hemp Moisturisers


People living with Crohn�s Disease often have to modify their diets. For many, this can be a real pain in the neck. Foods that you once regularly enjoyed might be now impossible to eat. Having Crohn�s Disease does not mean you have to stop enjoying food, however, you may have to choose carefully what you eat.

The way the body deals with Crohn�s is different for every person. Some may be able to tolerate foods that others cannot. Basically, it takes a trial and error approach. One of the suggestions Crohn�s experts have expressed for those with the disease is to keep a food diary. Keep track of what food you eat on a daily basis and the subsequent reactions of your digestive tract. That way if you notice your Crohn�s symptoms acting up you can pinpoint the food that may have caused it. In the future, you can avoid that food and by process of elimination, find out which foods you can tolerate and the others that you cannot.
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Dr Wheatgrass Antioxidant Skin SprayCheating Alzheimer's Disease: Natural Ways To Maintain Brain Health As We Age

Alzheimer?s Disease is a progressive, degenerative disease where the nerve cells in the
brain deteriorate. The result is memory loss and disorientation. The disease is thought to be
responsible for seventy-five percent of dementia in persons 65 years and older. The
disease affects millions of Americans.

It is not known exactly what causes Alzheimer?s Disease. Different theories suggest
exposure to aluminum (high levels of aluminum have been found during autopsies of
victims), genetics, a reduced level of the brain chemical acetylcholine or possibly a viral

Natural Help

Phosphatidyl Serine: This compound is one of the phospholipids found in brain tissue and
plays an important part in brain function. Phosphatidyl Serine helps regenerate the outside
of neurons, reversing the chronological age of these cells by as much as twelve years and
improving the mental capacity of Alzheimer?s patients.

Studies Show Phosphatidyl Serine?s Effectiveness

Taking Phosphatidyl Serine (PS) orally benefits cognitive functions. Twenty five studies
have been conducted, with 12 studies being double-blind. Most studies involved subjects
with measurable losses in judgment, memory, and other higher mental functions. Two
studies with PS have been conducted by Dr. T.H. Crook of the Memory Assessment
Clinics of Bethesda, Maryland. In a 1991 study, 149 subjects, aged 50-75 years, were
involved in a study. The subjects were given PS in doses of 300 mg. a day for 12 weeks.

At week 12, these test subjects had improved significantly on:

Learning names and faces

Recalling telephone numbers

Ability to concentrate

Recalling misplaced objects

Recalling paragraphs

The above benefits persisted for at least four weeks after the PS was discontinued. For
name-face recognition, PS ?pushed back the clock? by about 12 years. The researchers
stated, ?The magnitude of effect may be considered significant by many subjects and

In Europe between 1985 and 1995, at least 10 double-blind studies were conducted. The
researchers concluded ....?the changes observed in the present study reflect an
improvement in behavior which can be useful for subjects and their families.?
In research done in 1993, at least ten studies were conducted with PS. These were
randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled tests. 425 subjects, aged from 65-93
were involved and supervised by a large number of well-trained researchers. Test subjects
were given 300 mg. per day, versus the placebo, for six months. After statistical analysis,
scores for learning and memory were significantly improved. The authors concluded, stating,
?The observations are remarkable, particularly, since the large number of subjects enrolled
represents the geriatric population commonly encountered in clinical practice.?

Ginkgo Biloba. Asian healers have used this herb for thousands of years to treat various
ailments. Ginkgo biloba is one of the most widely used supplements in Europe and is also
one of the 10 best selling herbal medications sold in the United States. Ginkgo Biloba
maximizes the flow of blood to the brain and helps protect neurons.
Numerous studies worldwide show the amazing benefits of ginkgo biloba. A review of
studies of at least six months in duration showed that ginkgo biloba were effective in
treating mild to moderate dementia associated with Alzheimer?s Disease. Ginkgo biloba is
especially good for treating early symptoms.

Acetyl L-Carnitine. Research studies indicate that this nutrient may be able to slow down, or
even reverse brain aging. According to top researchers, Acetyl L-carnitine (ACL), for
people already diagnosed with Alzheimer?s Disease, Parkinson?s Disease or other age
related brain disorders, this nutrient may slow down their progression and improve mental
functioning. It may also delay the onset of such diseases. ACL has become one of the
most studied compounds in regard to brain aging and the nervous system. According to Dr.
Russell L. Blaylock in Health and Nutrition Secrets, clinical studies show that ALC may have
a ?significant capacity to slow, and even reverse, the effects of aging on the brain.?

How does ALC work? ALC may be able to help form the brain chemical acetylcholine,
which is essential for proper memory function, it keeps brain cells working efficiently by
clearing them of toxic fatty acid metabolites and it helps neurons damaged by free radicals.
Many research studies support this theory, including electron microscopic analysis of the
hippocampus region of the brain, which showed ALC ability to reverse the age related
deterioration of mitochondria. According to leading nutrition expert Gary Null, autopsies
show that people who had Alzheimer?s experienced 25 to 40 percent less transferase
activity than people without Alzheimer?s. In other words, ALC may be so beneficial to
Alzheimer?s patients is because they are deficient in L-carnitine in the first place. According
to an Italian animal study, ALC may greatly help stroke victims. If it is given to a stroke victim
shortly after the stroke occurs, ALC may reduce the level of brain damage caused by the
interrupted blood flow. Even if not given soon after the stroke, ALC appears to still help
the patient improve memory, task performance and cognition during recovery.

Brain Support is a great formula that contains the above nutrients, including Phosphatidyl Serine and Acetyl L-Carnitine to help maintain proper brain health. Please visit www.ultrahealthnutritionals.com.

