Wheatgrass Capsules - Guide Resource

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Herbal Supplements Reviews and information

Herbal SupplementsGorton's says pills in fish fillets were harmless herbal ... - International Herald Tribune

Mon, 10 Mar 2008 18:59:23 GMT

Gorton's says pills in fish fillets were harmless herbal ...
International Herald Tribune, France - Mar 10, 2008
Gorton's Inc. said Monday that the pills a Pennsylvania family reported finding in their fish fillets were harmless over-the-counter herbal supplements. ...

Herbal Supplements TopicsHerbal Tinctures

Mild symptoms occur at levels over 15,000 mcg of folic acid intake. The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for adults is 400 mcg per day, for pregnant women it is between 600 and 800 mcg per day and for lactating women it is 500 mcg per day. An upper limit of 1000 mcg per day has been established for supplements. It is considered to be of little benefit above that daily intake level.
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Herbal Tinctures

Flaxseed - Brown Whole Flaxseed - 1KG

Q. Will abdominal training help my posture?
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Flaxseed - Brown Whole Flaxseed - 1KG

Echinacea Powder
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Ecozone Wash Balls for nutrition

Natural RemediesEphedrine free diet

Ephedrine Free Diet

Read the original article

If your looking for an ephedrine free diet Inositol is right for you.

As part of the B vitamin family it has powerful isotropic effects.

A isotropic nutrient helps release fat from the liver once released they can be burned for energy and with this enhanced energy you will be able to train more efficiently.

Other benefits of Inositol are help relieving depression, and promote nerve function.

So bottom line Inositol will help you lose weight and help you keep a lean body year round. Without the side effect of ephedrine.

Ephedrine Free Diet

Read the original article

If your looking for an ephedrine free diet Inositol is right for you.

As part of the B vitamin family it has powerful isotropic effects.

A isotropic nutrient helps release fat from the liver once released they can be burned for energy and with this enhanced energy you will be able to train more efficiently.

Other benefits of Inositol are help relieving depression, and promote nerve function.

So bottom line Inositol will help you lose weight and help you keep a lean body year round. Without the side effect of ephedrine.


Webmaster of Boeafitness.com

Ecozone Wash Balls Reviews
Libido for Women

3. Your Diet Shouldn't Be Extreme in Any Way.

Unless your doctor advises you otherwise, it's unhealthy to eliminate entire food groups. A balanced diet provides vitamins and minerals to keep you strong.

So skip the diets with low-carb, all grapefruit, or whatever the latest fad is. Extreme diets usually don't work. At least not for very long.
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Libido for Women

Organic Liquid Fertiliser - 250ml

It's also filling. So you shouldn't be as hungry as when you just nibble on a salad.

And the best part is that the fat in the ice cream may enhance your body's ability to absorb the fat-soluble compounds from the cantaloupe. (Although no one knows for sure at the moment.)
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Organic Liquid Fertiliser - 250ml

Best green laundry detergents - SmartPlanet.com

Thu, 27 Mar 2008 10:08:28 GMT

Best green laundry detergents
SmartPlanet.com, UK - Mar 27, 2008
However, despite numerous phone calls and emails, Ecozone has not given us any information on what exactly the balls are made from, how green -- or ...

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Nutrition Info

NutritionCorti-Slim - Natural Dietary Suppliment For Weight Loss


is an all-natural dietary supplement that works with your body's metabolism to
control Cortisol levels within a healthy range and help you lose weight. By
modulating Cortisol levels,
removes one of the primary physiological signals for weight gain. In addition to
a powerful effect on controlling Cortisol levels,
also provides all-natural ingredients to help balance blood-sugar to reduce
cravings, and maximize metabolism to boost energy expenditure and fat-burning.

When explaining how
works, one must first explain the role of Cortisol, sometimes called the 'Stress
hormone', and a key player in the body's 'fight or flight' response. Basically,
Cortisol is
necessary for proper physical functioning, and healthy in small doses.
Unfortunately, while small amounts of
Cortisol is
a "good" thing, too much Cortisol, for too long, is most certainly a "bad" thing
because it leads us to develop a number of adverse health conditions. Elevated
levels have been associated with a wide range of health effects from increased
appetite, to weight gain, to diabetes, to depression. when the body perceives
that a physical or psychological threat is imminent, the fight or flight
response is activated and
Cortisol is
released in higher amounts to allow for a burst of energy and other physical
changes that allow the body to better fight or run. After a while body undergoes
the relaxation response and all systems return to normal. However, in times of
chronic stress, homeostasis is never reached and the body maintains increased
levels of Cortisol, which can be damaging to the body in many ways. One side
effect of increased
Cortisol in
the body can be weight gain, especially in the abdominal area, which can bring
more negative health consequences than fat stored in other areas of the body.
has key ingredients that are said to calm the body's response to stress by
decreasing the level of Cortisol in the body, and in turn, decrease body fat.

Cortisoll is
the body's main stress hormone, and is required for many vital purposes --
proper glucose metabolism, blood pressure, immune function and inflammatory
response are a few. In times of stress, either mental or physical, the body can
produce an excessive amount of
Cortisol. At
these high levels, Cortisol is a nasty little number indeed. It can negatively
affect cognitive performance; suppress thyroid function, foster blood sugar
imbalances and the subsequent deposition of body fat, decrease bone density, as
well as other things. Athletes don't like
Cortisol, as
it is catabolic -- i.e., muscle-wasting, rather than anabolic -- i.e., muscle

may indeed be able to reduce levels of the stress hormone Cortisol through the
effects of Magnolia bark contained in its formulation. A small dose of Honokiol,
or a magnolia bark extract standardized for Honokiol content, can help to
"de-stress" you without making you sleepy, while a larger dose might have the
effect of knocking you out. When compared to pharmaceutical agents such as
Valium (diazepam), Honokiol appears to be as effective in its anti-anxiety
activity, yet not nearly as powerful in its sedative ability."

Now the question is "How does stress make us fat"?

Stress makes us fat in several ways. First,
although the behavioral response to stress is often thought to be a primary
reason for weight gain e.g. we reach for the Haagen-Dazs when we feel stressed
out, there are two very powerful physiological reasons for the link between
stress and weight gain Whenever we are under stress, our bodies release its
primary stress hormone
Cortisol, in
the body Cortisol is a potent signal to do two things - increase appetite and
store fat. This means that whenever we're under stress, the increased Cortisol
in our body tells our brain that we're hungry, while at the same time telling
our fat cells to store as much fat as they can and then hold on to it as tightly
as possible.Corti-Slim
balances out the amount of Cortisol in our bodies and therefore it helps people
to lose weight and get rid of other negative health problems.
would not only help you lose weight but feel great!Corti-Slim
contains calcium, chromium, vanadium, and a cocktail of herbs including Banaba
leaf extract, Green tea extract, Bitter orange peel, Magnolia bark extract, and
beta Sitosterol.

is formulated to promote weight loss, increase energy levels, and control
appetite in the millions of Americans who experience stress on a daily basis.
This makes
the perfect product for everyone from athletes, to executives, to
soccer moms, and everyone in between.

USES OF Corti-Slim

When used as directed, you will feel an
increase in energy and mental focus, and a decrease in stress and cravings. Of
course, a well balanced diet and moderate exercise are essential to healthy
weight loss and this product should be used in conjunction with a healthy
lifestyle. But because it reduces stress and tension,
will help you feel great, relaxed and focused. You will suddenly have time to
work out and eat properly - and, since your body has been naturally working hard
all day, at night you will feel relaxed and ready for a good nights sleep.
users will notice:

Less stress
More energy
Better mental focus
Appetite and craving control
Weight loss


As with any natural product, there will be a
range of effects experienced by users.
does not contain "Ephedrine". Each of the ingredients in Corti-Slim is known to
be extremely safe when used as directed.
has been formulated to provide safe and "clinically effective" levels of all
ingredients, but users are cautioned to discontinue use if they experience any undesired side effects.



About the Author

Research Work On Herbs, Nutrition & ALternative Medicine

News on Milk Thistle CapsulesSuperfoods: F - J

We all do it, we grab a little snack in-between meals to curb our hunger and keep our energy levels up. And there�s nothing wrong with that. Snacking is actually good for you, as long as you stick with healthy food options. Let�s take a look at how you can transform your fridge and pantry into a haven of healthy snacks that will keep you from grabbing chips or cookies when you get hungry in-between meals.
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Superfoods: F - J

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