Wheatgrass Capsules - Guide Resource

Monday, March 31, 2008

More Great Holistic Remedy Resources.

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How to get and stay for ever healthy?

Wed, 17 May 2006 15:39:15 EDT
How to get and stay healthy?

Welcome at Forever Living Products, the world biggest Producer of Aloe Vera- and Bee products.
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Wheatgrass Skin CareChoosing Health Insurance Plans

The stress and strains of everyday life takes its toll and, sooner or later, everyone ends up visiting the doctor for the mandatory health check-up. The doctor could diagnose a disease that requires treatment and, to compound the problems, you are presented with an inflated medical bill. When you face this situation you realize that health insurance is no longer a myth and individual health insurance may be exactly what the doctor ordered.

Health insurance becomes all the more necessary if you are self-employed or an employee of a small company that is not in a position to meet all your medical expenses. Deciding upon the health plan that is just right for you is no easy task. The factors that you need to consider are the diseases that the plan covers, the benefits that accrue and the deductibles that you would have to pay. So, what you need to do is to study the plans and then decide which is the best for you and your family. The two major health plans can be categorized are the managed care plan and free-for-service health plan.

Let us first focus on the managed care plans. Also known as a Health Maintenance Organization (HMO), Preferred Provider Organization (PPO), Individual Pacific Association (IPA), or Point of Service (POS) plan, these managed care plans offer moderate coverage at low prices. They cover most of the doctor's visiting charges and check-ups. Also, in case of these managed care plans, the doctor may be required to give his or her approval before you choose a specialist, if the need may so arise. The doctor may also have a say as to the hospital you choose or from where you receive emergency services.

The second category includes the free-for-service plans, also known as indemnity plans that allow you to choose your health care provider yourself. Also, with these plans, the payment to the health providers is made at the time of service. So in this case you don't have to make any monthly premium.

About the Author

Individual Health Insurance provides detailed information on Individual Health Insurance, Individual Dental Insurance, Affordable Individual Health Insurance, Individual Health Insurance Plans and more. Individual Health Insurance is affliated with Affordable Individual Health Insurance Quotes.

Wheatgrass Skin Care DiscussionBreast Health

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Superfoods: U - Z

(3) The Taste Test. Kids dislike vegetables because they don't like the taste. Therefore, make the healthy foods taste better and your child will love them. For instance, put peanut butter on celery or add a dash of flavor to broccoli with ranch dressing. I'm sure you can think of dozens of ways to spruce up healthy food.
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Superfoods: U - Z

Organic Spirulina Powder - 250g - �9.89

What does this mean to you? It means that finally there is an all-natural, totally safe way to get rid of those hunger pains, making it easy to cut calories and lose weight while feeling great.

Nutrition and weight-loss expert Martin Stanwyck is the author of a multitude of diet articles. Visit http://www.hoodia.info.ms to learn more about his main topic Hoodia Gordonii.
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Organic Spirulina Powder - 250g - �9.89

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Organic Barley Grass Information

Organic Barley GrassFight Asthma With Vitamins And Over The Counter Products

Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease characterized by episodes or attacks of inflammation and narrowing of small airways in response to exposure to environmental stimuli. Asthma attacks can vary from mild to life threatening. The main symptom of Asthma is shortness of breath as the result of the bronchial passages becoming narrowed through exposure to some type of stress, either physical (allergy) or psychological.

During an asthma attack, histamine and leukotrienes are produced by respiratory system, which results in a rapid constriction of the smooth muscle of the bronchial tubes. The bronchial tubes narrow and reduces the amount of air that can pass.

Asthma is a seriously debilitating and sometimes life-threatening disease that affects more than 8 million adults in the United States. The incidence of asthma cases has surged in recent years, although researchers are not sure why. Asthma is the most common chronic pulmonary disorder in the United States. Asthma prevalence has been increasing to epidemic levels, especially in areas with high urbanization. More than 5,000 deaths are attributed to asthma attacks each year.

Asthma is experienced during the life span of approximately 10% of the population, resulting in morbidity and mortality costing a substantial economic burden on individuals and on society. Although the research in asthma has advanced rapidly in recent years, the etiology of asthma remains unclear. Asthma is not contagious, and although it appears to follow some genetic pattern. Researchers have found that an asthma attack can be caused by heredity, air pollution, food allergy, infections, emotional disturbances, and dozens of other factors.

Almost 5% of adult-onset asthma cases were recognized as having work-related symptoms. A worker reporting improvement of symptoms after being gone from the workplace over the weekend or after a vacation and then reporting a worsening of symptoms upon returning to the workplace is labeled as having work-related asthma.

Among the various risk factors of asthma, those of occupational origin are gaining more importance with time due to use of various chemicals in industries which potentially induce hypersensitivity and predisposition to asthma. In addition, there has long been evidence that physicians do not adequately assess the work-relatedness of many diseases, including asthma. It appears that providers seldom recorded information about occupation in notes on asthma unless they considered the symptoms triggered by workplace exposures.

Although prescription medication for the treatment of asthma are abundant and are improving in effectiveness, there are inherent risks and side effects with most of them. Despite many newer drugs for asthma, people are dying more frequently from this illness. It is apparent that asthma is not well controlled in many individuals.

Common Vitamins and over the counter products can help with treating Arteriosclerosis such as Vitamin C, Beta Carotene, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Butterbur, Vitamin A, Pantothenic Acid, Glucosamine, Manganese, Omega Smooth and Flavonoids.

Vitamin C is nature?s protective nutrient, essential for defending the body against pollution and infection and enhances the human body immune system.

Beta Carotene protects the mucus membranes of the mouth, nose, throat and lungs. It also helps protect Vitamin C from oxidation, which enables it to perform at optimum efficiency.

The Journal of Clinical Investigation report published in December 8, 2005 revealed that taking Vitamin D supplements could help improve the effects of steroid drugs used to treat Asthma.

Vitamin E protects the lung tissue from inhaled pollutants and aids in the functioning of the immune system.

Butterbur is a common herbal extract that is highly effective asthma therapy. As far back as the 17th century, butterbur was used to treat cough, asthma, and skin wounds.

A number of studies have suggested that taking antioxidants such a Vitamin A reduces the risk of bronchoconstriction associated with asthma. Vitamin A is stored in the liver and fat cells of the human body and can reach toxic levels. DO NOT take more than the recommended dosage of Vitamin A.

Many find pantothenic Acid to be very helpful against asthma symptoms. It is another form of non-toxic Vitamin B.

Glucosamine is an anti-inflammatory and may give some relief from asthma symptoms.

Magnesium has been employed in the treatment of acute asthma, but its use has not become universal, nor has it been studied for the treatment of chronic asthma. Manganese has been found deficient in bronchial biopsies of asthmatic patients, indication manganese replenishment could aid in the treatment of asthma.

Omega smooth is a delicious tasting liquid that is derived from fish oil. Regular fish comsumption has been associated with a reduced risk of children having asthma attacks.

Flavonoids are the brightly colored pigments found in most fruits and vegetables. When consumed, they have antioxidant properties and have been associated with improved lung junction.

Always consult your doctor before using this information.

This Article is nutritional in nature and not to be construed as medical advice.

David Cowley has created over 50 articles about the relationship between diseases and vitamins. For other Articles on Diseases and Vitamin Needs feel free to visit my Web Site at http://www.dfcinvestment-team.com/

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More Great Health and Wellbeing Resources.

Health and WellbeingHealthy Immune System - Boost It Now & Avoid Illness & Disease

A healthy immune system will protect your body against minor ailments and even more serious ones,, that can be fatal.

You need to eat the right foods for a healthy immune system. If you do, not only will you have see improvements in your skin and also receive an energy boost.

Here are your 10 simple tips to keep your immune system healthy.

The key to a healthy immune system is a regular supply of raw natural foods and detoxification of the body and these diet changes will help.

1. Garlic

The garlic bulb has gained recognition as a medicinal remedy in Chinese and Western cultures and has often been referred to as a "Wonder drug among all herbs"

Garlic's active ingredient allicin, destroys, and inhibits various bacteria and fungi, growing in the body
When allicin combines with the enzyme allinase, which then acts as an antibacterial agent.

1. Effective in lowering the risk of heart disease

2. Enhances the resistance of the immune system

3. Protects the liver from damage induced by pollutants.

4. Helps in the treatment of digestive disorders.
5. Helps in the treatment of high blood pressure, bladder infection, flu, liver and gallbladder problems.

2. Chew your food

Chewing your food will help the absorption of nutrients

1. Get Plenty of fruit and vegetables

You need three to five portions a day. If you are always on the juice them for a pick me up drink or get a green plant supplement

2. Diet

As an occasional treat fine but they contain refined carbohydrates which simply are stripped of nutrients and have the added disadvantage of making you fat. Try and eat food as naturally as you can to get essential nutrients.

Vitamins A, C and E are antioxidants: they slow down the aging process and protect the body from cancer, heart disease and pollution and a raw unprocessed diet will ensure you get them.

3. EPA -Omega 3

EPA is a nutrient extracted from omega 3 fatty acids; these "good fats" are found in oily fish salmon mackerel, herring's pilchards and sardines.

Omega 3, and in particular EPA, is believed to be of particular importance for eye and brain function.

Extensive clinical studies over the past 40 using omega 3 fish oil conclude it can help with the following ailments and diseases:

1. Depression

2. M.E,

3. Bipolar disorder

4. Huntington's

5. Chronic fatigue syndrome

6. OCD

7. Schizophrenia.

4. Echinacea

Echinacea is a bought mainly by people wishing to prevent colds.

It is also reported to boost immunity for battling upper respiratory infections.

Laboratory testing shows that it contains echinacoside, an ingredient that HAS antibiotic effects.

Another ingredient, echinacein, is seen as a preventative property to stop infectious viruses or bacteria invading the body tissue. Health Benefits include:

1. Has anti-viral properties and as an effective antibiotic

2. Enhances the body's immune system

3. Has anti-inflammatory properties which is used to treat arthritis and lymphatic swelling

4. Used in the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome, indigestion, gastroenteritis, and weight loss

5. Used to treat respiratory illnesses, mononucleosis, ear infections, septicemia (blood poisoning), and bladder infections.

The above is a positive start!

The above are 4 simple ways to boost the immune system but boosting the immune system does not just rely on diet.

You also need to do adequate moderate exercise ( A brisk 30 minute walk each day will do ) remove stress from your life and finally, adopt a positive attitude ( these are covered in our other articles ) and you will have all round protection.

The immune system is your defense against illness disease and death so everyone needs to look after it for optimum health and happiness.

About the Author


On all aspects of health and more on nutrition visit our website for a huge resource of articles, features and downloads and at http://www.net-planet.org/index.html
