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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Ginseng Powder Updates

Ginseng PowderUse Natural Health Products To Help You During Pregnancy

When you are pregnant, you are constantly worried about your growing baby's health and your own health. Investing in natural health medicine can help you reach those goals that are vital to your health and the health of your child.

With all of the products on the market now that are causing unwanted side effects in adults there is no question that anyone who is pregnant would want to stay away from them. Fortunately there is a healthy alternative available for the expectant mother in natural health medicines and natural health supplements.

Doctors often advise pregnant women to be highly selective of the type of medications that they take. This is the reason why so many women opt for natural health medicine when they have any kind of illness during pregnancy--and also why you should consider using natural health medicine if you are pregnant.

Natural health medicine will help you and your baby to achieve a more consistent state of natural health without experiencing those nasty side effects most chemical medications can cause.

It is important to remember that if you have an illness, you should always consult your doctor before you undertake the task of purchasing any medicine, including a natural health medicine.

You can tell them you are interested in using natural health medicine to help you deal with the discomfort that your pregnancy is causing.

That is the best way to ensure that you will not put your baby at risk by perhaps taking medicine which even though the ingredients are natural could have some effect on your growing baby in some way or the other.

Remember that every pregnancy is unique and therefore has unique needs, which you should be aware of. There is no greater feeling than knowing that you are doing the best to ensure your baby's health.

And normally most natural health medicines will be able to provide for both you and your baby's needs. They help your growing baby's immune system as well as your immune system that is working hard to help your baby grow.

If you are pregant or are thinking of becoming pregnant be sure to discuss the natural health alternatives for treating any illness you may have during pregnancy with you doctor.

About the Author

Gregg Hall is a business consultant and author for many online and offline businesses and lives in Navarre Florida with his 16 year old son. For great natural health products go to http://www.shop4betterhealth.com

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Nutrition article

NutritionImportant Vitamins Needed For Weight Loss

Weight control of body or functions related with weight - like hunger, appetite, metabolic rate, metabolism of sugars and fats, calorie burning, and many other - are mostly operated with optimum intake of vitamins.

All these factors play a role in maintaining optimum weight and health. And not only single specific vitamin can do the job, it is the collective work and the group of vitamins obtains the main goal. So it is very tough to specify the vitamin, which is best for weight reduction.

Best Vitamins For Weight Reduction

Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3 and mostly all the vitamins of B complex group are helpful in weight reduction. Vitamin C will also do an additional effort to loose weight.

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)
Vitamin B2 is needed for metabolism and normal thyroid function.
Good sources of vitamin B2 are Milk, almonds, hard cheese, kidney and liver.
Vitamin B3 (Niacin) eggs, wheat germ, leafy green vegetables, Marmite.

Vitamin B3 is necessary for thyroid hormone production.
Vitamin B3 is a part of glucose tolerance factor, which releases every time blood sugar rises. Good sources of Vitamin B3 are liver, Wheat bran, turkey, tuna cheese, meat, eggs, chicken, oats, mackerel, barley, dried fruit, salmon, wheat flakes, brown rice.

Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid)
Deficiency of Vitamin B5 interferes with capacity to utilize fat. Vitamin B5 assists in normal adrenal function and plays important role in energy production.
Good sources of Vitamin B5 are meat, liver and kidney, wheat bran, poultry, nuts, wheat flakes, wheat germ, whole grain bread, oats, eggs, molasses, barley, beans and green leafy vegetables.

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)
Vitamin B6 controls metabolism and regulates the production of thyroid hormone.
Good sources of Vitamin B6 are wheat bran, oats, brewer's yeast, brown rice, sardines wheat germ, poultry, mackerel, avocado, beef, molasses, dried fruit bananas, cabbage and eggs.

Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 is also known as coalmine. It maintains nerve cells and red blood cells healthy. It is also needed for formation of DNA, the genetic material found in all cells. It is also released by Hydrochloric acid in the stomach during digestion. Once it is released, it combines with gastric intrinsic factor (IF), which is help full in absorption of digested food.
Good sources for Vitamin B12 are Beef, salmons, trout and yogurts.

Choline is a member of Vitamin B complex group, so it is not real vitamin and it is made in the liver. Choline is required for efficient fat metabolism. Choline deficiency gives rise to fats becoming trapped in liver.
Good sources of choline are: lecithin, beef liver, cucumber, beef heart, cauliflower, egg yolks and wheatgerm and peanuts.

As like choline inositol is also a member of vitamin B complex. Inositol is also manufactured inside the body. So we cannot consider Inositol as real vitamin. It combines with choline to help in fat metabolism. Good food sources of inositol are lecithin, whole grains, beef heart, wheat germ, beef liver, soy, eggs, citrus fruits and nuts.

Vitamin C
Vitamin C gives a range of health benefits including conversion of glucose to energy inside the cells. Good sources of vitamin C are lemons, green peppers, broccoli, kiwi fruits, oranges, Brussels sprouts, strawberries, cabbage and black currants.

As you can see from the above list, your diet needs to be varied in order to keep up functions that assist in weight loss. This is one of the reasons why it is best to eat an assortment of foods and never go on a diet that has you eating just one or two types of foods.

About the Author

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