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Monday, January 12, 2009

Holistic Remedies discussion

Ginkgo Leaf Capsules DiscussionOrganic Spirulina Powder - 125g - �6.29

The Definition and Function of Vitamins
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Organic Spirulina Powder - 125g - �6.29

Manuka Honey

Sprouts Kombu Raw Honey Bee Pollen Tuna
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Manuka Honey


To a certain extent this is true, but excess �puppy fat� is as dangerous to a child as excess fat is to an adult. It is estimated that more than 15% of UK children are overweight or obese, and this figure is rising rapidly. The Journal of the American Medical Association reported on the 4th April that the level of overweight American children was 33.6%. Obese children grow into obese adults. They do not lose this so called �puppy fat� unless positive steps are taken. They have a significantly higher risk of developing serious health problems , both now and as an adult, including potentially life threatening conditions such as bowel cancer, diabetes, strokes, heart conditions and high blood pressure. The more overweight the child, the greater the risk.

There are also psychological problems to consider. Overweight and obese children frequently experience playground teasing about their appearance which can destroy self esteem and confidence, and lead to isolation and depression. This can last for the rest of their lives, and often leads to such children taking up smoking and drinking alcohol at an early age.

It is predicted by health experts that due to our children�s poor diet and lack of exercise their own parents will be outliving them. This is a scary thought, is it not. The most exercise many children get is getting out of bed! Many spend their leisure time in front of a computer or games console. School sports are non existent in many schools due the ethos of everyone having to be a winner. Competition in sports is bad because someone must lose. Many school playing fields have been sold off by local councils to developers. How short sighted!
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