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Monday, August 25, 2008

A blog about Cleansing Powders

Cleansing PowdersHousing Brawl Erupts Between Obama, McCain - U.S. News & World Report

Fri, 22 Aug 2008 13:11:09 GMT

Housing Brawl Erupts Between Obama, McCain
U.S. News & World Report, DC - Aug 22, 2008
Georgia's government says this is a creeping ethnic cleansing sponsored by Russia." Georgia Seen Dominating Media The New York Times reports, "The Kremlin's ...

Independent, The (London) - Water, water, everywhere

Sat, 05 Jan 2008 08:00:00 GMT
January 5, 2008 -- Drink Ah, the joys of the detox. Is it just me, or is an apple a day not enough any more to keep the doctor away? Or should that be five pieces of...

Shu Uemura: Master strokes - Independent

Fri, 08 Aug 2008 23:04:05 GMT

Shu Uemura: Master strokes
Independent, UK - Aug 8, 2008
He launched his cult cleansing oil back in 1967 and it subsequently became a bestseller in Japan where cleansing with oil, as opposed to the bars, ...

News on Cleansing PowdersSuperfoods

Vitamins A, C, E and quasi-vitamins Coenzyme Q10 and alpha lipoic acid are powerful antioxidants that neutralize the damage caused by free radicals and oxidation. Our body's cells are undergoing a continuous cycle of oxidation (losing an electron) and reduction (gaining an electron). Oxygen and other atoms or molecules that are unstable because they lack an electron are called free radicals. These free radicals don't like to exist in an unstable state and will steal another electron from where ever they can and can damage the cell that they oxidize. Free radicals are created as part of the body's normal metabolic process and if there are insufficient antioxidants available to donate electrons and neutralize the free radicals then cell damage will result. When we are young, the body generates some of the antioxidants it needs and it acquires the remainder from the food we eat. As we get older, the body generates fewer antioxidants and the free radicals outnumber the antioxidants. This means the body is unable to repair the free radical damage and it ages and becomes subject to age-related degenerative diseases like cancer, diabetes, heart disease, strokes, Alzheimer's disease, and macular degeneration. Additional free radicals are created when we expose our body to the sun's ultraviolet radiation, cigarette smoke, exhaust fumes and other air and water pollutants. Approximately 10 million people in North America have cancer and about 600,000 people will die from it this year. Until recently, we thought the key to slowing the aging process and associated diseases was to ensure the body had an excess supply of antioxidants by eating lots of fruits and vegetables and supplementing our healthy diet with multi-vitamins.
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Breast Health

Ultimately we are the end result of 3 billion years of evolution beginning with a primordial soup and ending through natural selection with the strongest collection of cells capable of defending themselves from all but the most deadly of invaders

Manual Lymphatic Drainage and the Autonomic Nervous System

I have written previously about the connection between a dysfunctional Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) and CFS/ Fibromyalgia patients.
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Breast Health

MSM Powder

Macronutrient Combination

Through the prescribed combination of both macro- and micronutrients, the entire nutritional puzzle is solved. The macronutrients make up the vast bulk and balance of our diets and are found in whole foods. The micronutrients are found within the macronutrients and will be discussed in a supplemental article. The primary macronutrients found in our foods include:
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MSM Powder



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