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Saturday, April 12, 2008

Recent information on Organic Goji Berry

Holistic RemediesWhy You Should Monitor Your Colon Health

At the start of the 20th century, colon diseases are becoming more common. These diseases are primarily the output of bad eating habits. Like cancer and heart disease, the causes are cumulative and may take several years for the symptoms to appear.

Nowadays, having good colon health is important, though it can be difficult to achieve because people's diets are getting worse everyday. A person who fails to take in the minimum amount of fiber may find it hard to expel his bowels. Regular intake of drugs which may postpone bowel movement may also destroy colon health. Of course, those who are lazy enough not go to the toilet when they need to go may also be suffering from colon diseases.

Stools should be effortlessly expelled from the body. If you need to read a book or a magazine before can move your bowels out, you may be constipated. Constipation is one obvious symptom of bad colon health. Another indications is the appearance of any undigested food, mucus and blood in your stools.

Colon health problems can cause several other problems such as nutritional deficiency even if you have good diet regimen. If a poor colon health does not improve, it can also lead to asthma, anaemia, fatigue and several other auto-immune diseases. These symptoms are common to several other diseases that's why poor colon health may not be detected immediately. These symptoms are due to toxic fecal matter that could not be removed if your colon does not function well enough.

When your colon is deficient, it could not properly eliminate toxins from the body. These fecal matters build up on the pockets of your colon and may stay there for several weeks, or months, or even years. Normally, in a healthy colon condition, the body should be able to push out these toxic wastes from your colon within eighteen to twenty-four hours.

When these fecal deposits in your colon get irritated, it can dangerously interfere with the functions of your other organs. You may suffer from an inflamed colon which just worsens nutrient deficiency as well as proper bowel movements.

What's worse is when the feces stuck in the colon starts to decay. It can release really harmful toxins and gases which can poison the blood stream. Because the blood runs through all organs in the body, chances are, these organs could also be poisoned. With the blood stream polluted and organs infected, your body gets full of wastes.

These toxins inside the body could explain numerous toxic diseases such as ammonia, that's when toxins infect your liver. When a particular organ is toxic, it won't be capable of receiving nutrients because its is clogged up with wastes.

Even if one improves the health of these other organs, the infection could recur. As mentioned before, these organ infections are not the causes but effects of another health problem. That problem would be a poor colon health. Thus, cleaning up these organs would not be as effective unless the colon is cleaned out. Your body organs would just reabsorb all the toxins released by fecal deposits in your colon.

The tissues in your body won't be capable of fully eliminating these wastes unless the colon is properly working, because that's what colons are for. Colons function as the sewer for the body. It provides a drainage system for body wastes. Whenever the colon leaks out because of poor colon health, these toxins are released back into the main bloodstream, and infecting your body organs again.

Although poor diet is the primary cause of poor colon health, following a better diet program may not be enough to help your colon recover. That's because your colon may have already been severely damaged before you realize it. Statistics show that colon cancer is the number one cancer experienced by both males and females in their 40s. About 70 million Americans are diagnosed with bowel problems. That number excludes those who did not consult a medical doctor.

With advanced technologies, we now have several methods to clean out the colon. However, there is no single remedy which can effectively and completely improve colon health. With complementary treatments such as colon hydrotherapy, exercise, stress management, and of course, a healthier diet, the colon could be cleansed out with these trapped feces.

After a person's colon has been thoroughly cleansed, the feces should fall out easily. It may take months for severe colon health problems to be fully corrected. Body organs may also take a while to undo the toxic damages.

Lee Dobbins writes for http://www.colon-articles.com where you can learn more about the importance of a healthy colon as well as how to relieve constipation and care for your colon.

Eating Green in Chicago - Jaunted

Tue, 18 Mar 2008 15:49:08 GMT


Eating Green in Chicago
Jaunted - Mar 18, 2008
The "organic himalayan goji berry syrup" that comes with the whole wheat pancakes doesn't seem any more natural to us than, say, plain old maple--and it ...



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